Why isn't it working for me?

Created by Cheryl R., Modified on Wed, 15 Jun 2022 at 12:02 PM by Cheryl R.

Here are some factors that might be affecting your low blood sugar success:

  • Poor eating habits -  Too much of the wrong kinds of foods can increase your blood sugar
  • Too much TV time - Watching too much TV (and sitting too much in general) may increase your blood sugar
  • Not enough exercise - Body fat interacts with insulin and other hormones to affect blood sugar development
  • Sleep habits - Sleep disturbances can affect the body’s balance of insulin 
  • Being over age 45 - The older you get, the more likely you are to need more time for your body to heal itself

Effective blood sugar management means taking a well-rounded approach: You’ll need to eat well, exercise, manage stress, and sleep enough, because all these factors can affect your blood sugar levels.

The Diabetes Solution Kit offers the pathway to success, along with our supplements. But staying healthy also requires caring for yourself. How are you doing with this?

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