What type of Cinnamon do you use?

Created by Cheryl R., Modified on Fri, 10 Jul 2020 at 05:58 PM by Cheryl R.

We source cassia cinnamon to create CinnaChroma. 

Cinnamomum cassia typically has 1% coumarin in its whole/raw state. However, water extraction greatly reduces coumarin from cassia cinnamon as the coumarin has very low solubility in water.  Since we are using a 10:1 water extract we can be confident that we have much less than the tolerable amount of coumarin. 

Both types of cinnamon, both cassia (also called "Chinese cinnamon") and ceylon (generally Sri Lankan cinnamon), have been show to have a lowering effect on blood glucose levels in studies.  To our knowledge, there are no studies that have compared the effectiveness of one to the other.

Here are some helpful studies...




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